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I realized that today was the start of my new lifeas the new junior girl working in Aunty Jane's salon. As I stood beneaththe warm shower I felt the water falling on my newly waxed skin and myfreshly shaved scalp. I picked up the bottle of scented shower gel that Ihad been instructed to use. I washed quickly and then shaved my face asclose as I possibly could. Although my facial hair had never been thatdense, I had been told to make sure that I was extra smooth from now on. Stepping from the. “What have we here?”Kat and Betty Ann were the first to see her: a park ranger, female, short and somewhat stocky. Her name tag said “V. Cooley.”“How are you ladies today?” asked Ranger Cooley.Looking up from between Kelly Ann’s legs, her chin coated with Kelly’s juice, Jessica answered calmly. “Fine.”“I’m sure you’re aware that you’re in violation of several park regulations here.”Jessica sized up Cooley. She looked a little butch, light brown hair tied up in a bun beneath her ranger hat, but. I put the large blunt end of the cucumber against her nether hole and began to push in. OOOOwwwww Erica said. As I increased pressure. No, no, no.. oooowww, please noo. she moaned. As the cucumber made its entrance into her ass, I could feel her anus give up and allow the cucumber in. The resistance was less and less as I slid the length of the vegetable inside her. I stopped when I hit bottom with only a little more left to go. Erica had taken almost all of the 8 inch cucumber into her. It was true!I had had an affair with a woman that I met on a business trip over a year ago. I had slept with her and a couple of others as well. But I had never really expected that it would be, discovered. I had not realised that Eve would take such a terrible revenge. Now I was isolated in the dark, serving solitary with a misused woman as gaoler. Worst was, they would be searching for me in Greece and soon no one would believe that I was even alive!The.
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