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Like friends. Arms slip around boys. Stroking. Playing with hair. Actor leans over to friend of son. Smells him? Hard to see. Talking now, hard to read lips from this angle. Had to learn how to years ago–no fancy electronics, no super-hearing like in comic books. Something about ‘fun’. Only word I can make out. ‘Fun’. Actor looks serious, no more smiling, turns away from me for moment. Grabs friend of son’s wrists and pulls shirt up. Not interested in that. Knew that was going to happen. More. It was about three weeks later that the next "event" happened. A young girl called Nikki from Carla's office was getting married and all the girls in the section Carla worked in were planning a "hen" party a week before the event. Carla was organising and there were 10 girls plus poor Morgan who seemed to be one of the girls anyway and it was to be held in one of the girl's flats. At the last minute something prevented the flat from being available (some disagreement with the non-attending flat. "No, I think it worked. Maggie, turn on your vid chat."You figure, why not? Maybe on vid chat you could get an idea of what was supposed to happen. You type back "Yes, sir." weird... You never say sir. You decide not to think about it and open up your video chat.Jake is sitting in his chair in a dark room, and you're sitting on the bed with a white t-shirt and grey panties. "Hello, Maggie. From here on out, you will listen to me, and do as I say." he says calmly.Well, when it comes to computer. “Oh, sorry, Ms. Barton,” them scoring a feel.Any boy whose desk I bend over can see down my neckline. Any male teacher who bends over a girl’s desk sees down hers. But as we eliminated having chocolate on the teacher’s desk in (4), what’s the tie between subsequently mentoring a younger friend and chocolate?The answer: chocolate-coated mints. What do we see at the checkout? Junior Mints. How do we support the Girl Scouts? Thin Mints keep us thin. A chocolate mint reminds us of a nubile.
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