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All the Star City heroines gasped at the thought of McSwain being here and the possible implications of it. "I have plans for Ramon and Tony after I take control of them and McSwain and my mentor will also be useful to me now that they are here. Of course Jessica will resign from her position as Mayor to whore full time, so McSwain can have his old office back and run Star City for me. If Ramon and/or Tony come here, you will all act as their slave. If they bring McSwain and the Great. But also, as I grew older and went through puberty, it was not lost on me that Aunt Liz really was a good-looking woman. Fortunately she seemed to continue her physical playfulness with me, always giving me over enthusiastic hugs, still poking and tickling me, grabbing me around the neck and head locking me against her bosom, and such.Then in the summer of my fifteenth year, Aunt Liz came to visit and did her perfunctory headlock into her bosom without thinking. But instead of me resisting, I. Struggling now to stuff you into my mouth. Choking, gagging, breathless. Just how you want me. Just how you want my mouth to be. Filled to the brim with your hot hard throbbing cock. You taste so good. I want more. Grab my neck and squeeze my throat. Pinch my nose and thrust in harder. Deeper. Hold it there. Longer. Do it to me. Fuck my face hard. Fuck my slutty little mouth. My eyes are watering, you look down at me. Are you in control? NO. Stand up. Both my hands on your cock now. My eyes. And desperate.“Sensual massages and such, with oil and lotion and shit. Like, I know most people think that’s girly. Even pornhub thinks that that’s for women.” He coughed, clearly a little embarrassed. “I just think it’s hot.”“Sensual massages,” I repeated and nodded to myself. “I mean, yeah. That’s…” Definitely not a turn-off. “Yeah.” I had nothing.“I don’t even care who’s massaging who and who’s getting massaged,” he went on. “Guy stroking girl. Girl stroking guy. Girl stroking girl… Guy.
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