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Keio finished his prayers and hurried to his brother’s side, the two of them slipping out the door and heading through the Villa for the garden. Neither spoke during the walk. Their minds were focused on the events about to transpire around them. When they stepped out into the darkened garden everyone else had already gathered. Akiro looked around seeing Kimiko still knelt down in front of the torii gate that Tre had copied in miniature from the one at the Tanaka home in Japan. Robert looked. Finally the dance ended. When they came back to the table the black guy introduced himself as Ty. We shook hands, and he sat down with us while I ordered a round of drinks. Sara was giggling and having a great time talking with Ty. After I ordered more drinks, I excused myself to the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom, I noticed that there were 4 black guys including Ty at our table. They had Sara surrounded on all sides. I was a little nervous by this. When I came to the table, Sara. So I had to do a little shopping & buy a new Leather Collar for diana as well, so into Oxford Street I went, after looking in at Sax, I found the perfect collar. So back to work & then made a booking for the 3 us on a Harbour Dinner Cruise, thinking this would be a great time to make my offer.After we made it home from work & got ready to go out, we arrived at Darling Harbour & bordered the boat, we were seated, yes I was a little nervous not knowing how diana would react. So after being. As soon as I saw the red head introduced as "Jade" I knew who I wanted to see dance for Tina. As she came down off the stage and made her way around I told Tina that I was getting Jade to dance for her. She lit up and said "I was getting her for you!". Jade came to use and we found that they had a special for 3 dances, so we decided to each have one and then split the last one. The next song began and Jade started her dance. All the usual rules applied, but she spent a lot of time rubbing on my.
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