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" Em, er.... wait a minute... I think I can handle you shitting, but what if you're gonna piss, too? Please don't be unfair!"She thought for some seconds, considering the matter. Then she came to a conclusion."You're right. Pissing is crap... a wet book wouldn't be fun at all. I think I'll have a piss right now, before we're getting started." And where d'yer wanna piss?"She looked around the room."Since there is no toilet in here, one of the basins'll have to do, I guess."And so she headed for. As soon as he arrived, a short plump woman ushered him right in to Ambassador Philip Smart."Ahhh, Mr. Maloue," Smart grinned, offering his hand. "So good of you to drop by. Sorry for the short notice but we wanted to have a chat with you before you left for America. It would be a shame to pass this along to our consulate in New York." Pleased to meet you," Frank shook his hand. "I have no idea why I was brought here. It seems you were in a hurry to get to me." Have a seat," Smart sat himself.. “Ooooh fuck, do you know what that does to me?” I just nodded yes, and kept going until I engulfed the whole shaft. I ran my tongue all over it, then licked, and sucked his balls. For a moment I thought he’d pass out. After a few second he breathlessly asked. “Have any toys in here doll; if not there is one in my bag.”“Honey, look on the table next to you, there is a vibrator that looks like a cock and lube.”He reached for it, lubed it up, and ran it buzzing on high from my clit to my asshole.. ”“Thanks to you Andy. Jack was nothing like you. He enveloped me. What you said about submissive is right, up to a point. The trouble with labels is they only tell half the story. At first, after Jack died I was terrified. I had no idea what to do. I had the life insurance, I had the house, I was careful.“Six months on and nothing was my fault unless I wanted it to be. It was a revelation. I don’t know where the idea came from but I started to experiment. I tried being the grieving widow, but.
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