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Especially to a demon.“Oh?” I said casually, trying not to reveal the sudden anxiety I was feeling.“Last night,” he said softly, and suddenly every demon at his table was acting like the blond - they all had extremely important things to look at. Anything that wasn’t us.“I can assure you,” he said, clucking his tongue as he spoke, “my boy has been sufficiently ... punished.”The blond’s stare intensified, and he started examining the wooden table very closely.“Nothing will ever happen like that. I stopped and said, "I don't think I can do this. You're married." Rubbish," she replied. "You've been dreaming about this for years." And with that, she pulled off her bikini bottoms and threw them over her shoulder as she leaned in to kiss me again.My hands went to her ass and then to her hips. I rubbed a finger between her pussy lips and slowly pushed it into her. Her head rolled back as I found her clit and she moaned a long soft moan. Then I went under the water and licked her up and down. She took me up on the offer quite a bit. But, since I rarely got lucky, it didn’t bother me too much. She finally got the door open, and I heard 2 voices giggling, and shushing each other. ‘He’s probably asleep,’ I heard Jenny whisper. Oh, PLEASE, tell me she wasn’t bringing a guy to my place! That would just be the cap on a rotten evening. She finally got clear of the door, and I saw her guest. Mercy!! Her friend was about 5’4′ tall, slender, and had the softest-looking red hair I’d ever. “I don’t want my hard-on to attract too much attention,” he kidded, pulling out the waistband.The cooling waters couldn’t retain his growing cock. He tossed them a towel, and Jenny threw hers back to him.“You dry us off, with your tongue,” she challenged.“But you’re covered in salt water,” he protested.Jenny stood, legs spread, hands on her hips, “Well?” She enticed.Sula struck the same pose, “We’re waiting.” Their brilliant white smiles added to the moonlight.Water droplets trickled down.
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