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Tanya: Let’s go! I think we’ll get a table now.Me: You still want to go? I thought you’ll be mad at me.Tanya: No, I am not. I took it as a compliment.Me: Wow! Okay, let’s go get drunk then.We got a table and started to drink. We ordered shots as we both were in the mood to get drunk. After around 2 hours of drinking and laughing and dancing, we got tired. We were just sitting in our chairs and wondering what to do next.Tanya: You drunk?Me: Do I look like I am drunk?Tanya: Yes!Me: Then maybe I. She had woken up a bit later than usual and remembered why. She and Tony had been up all night talking, and kissing. When she finished doing her hair and make up, she grabbed her purse, and cell phone that Tony had so kindly brought back to her, and headed out the door. Five minutes later, she walked into the change room, only to find that Tony was finishing changing into his uniform. As she started changing, he came up behind her and hugged her waist. She giggled and turned around, pulling her. I watched her over her shoulder in the ceiling mirror, her black body shining and simmering, a thin coat of sweat across her powerful back. Her butt looked amazing as she moved in and out of me. I remember just laying there watching, pretty much forgetting the cocks I was supposed to be wanking but both guys were watching us and doing the job themselves. I’d said earlier I wasn’t much into women but this creature blew me away, captivated me. I’d do anything she told me, I’d happily lie for. "Were we loud? Sometimes I couldn't help it." So, you had a good time?"She rolled on top of me, her face beaming, her eyes alive with excitement. "David, it was wonderful. He's full of surprises - but he doesn't know my body like you do. I missed that." She grinned, found my cock, and held it until it came to life in her hand."I had some pretty strange dreams last night," I confessed."Mmmm, dirty ones? About me?" Yes, about you, and very dirty." Ooooh, tell me! Tell me! The dirtiest one!" How.
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