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"Oh, yes, of course, you'reright. But she is so hot. I wanted her."Now there was an immediate problem in the gym?a fullyerect and sexually engorged princkmistress. Erectionsin the gym were not unusual; it was a "normal" way oflife for these endowed women, but Clarissa was oftena little eccentric and out of control. She was stillbreathing heavy, panting, and her eyes were dartingaround. Clarissa was still dangerous."Get Roger in here," Jennifer yelled.Roger was the club's masseuse, an "old" man. “Oh damn.” I said softly.“Thinking about where that tongue will be later?” she asked as she placed my hand back on her nipple and brought the other one to her lips.“I’ve been thinking about that for a long time.” I answered while watching her pink tongue play across my finger tips.Lowering my hand she smiled, “So have I.” She paused to moan softly as my now moist fingers stroked her nipples. “I’ve gotten off to you, Howard, even shoved a vibrator deep into my pussy and imagined it being this. The other woman with this fancy is my wife, Sue. A couple of years ago, I arranged a special evening for Sue to celebrate her 40th birthday. She is a tall, sexy, natural blonde who has various fantasies but this one in particular which we had often discussed putting into practice but had never taken the plunge and I decided that this was the time to arrange a surprise happening of her fantasy.My task now was to find two suitable men - men who would enter into the part and be adventurous and. Fuck … you're going to make me cum..." I told him as that made him ride me faster. He leaned in and kissed me as he sucked on my lips, sweat dripping down his face as i looked him right in the eyes. "Let me fuck it.. let me fuck your ass... stay right there, im going to fuck it.. you fucking bitch." He remained squatted and still as my cock slid in and out of him, my balls slapping his ass as i angry fucked him. "I'm going to cum... fuck im going to cum..." I repeated over and over. "Cum in.
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