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“Jeremy, honey” I answered.“Read it, I want to know what that brat wants now,” he said angrily.I read the text out loud, while still holding on to my husband’s tiny cock, jerking it slowly.“Hello slut, you were so hot yesterday. Loved it when my cum filled your mouth entirely and you swallowed it all, without a drop. And the way you moan loudly when you reached your orgasm. Bet your husband never made you cum at all.”My husband was very jealous when he heard that. He was gurgling and gulping. "Callie groaned. "Aww It's bad enough that they are there, but to have someone else? Oh Nathan how am I going to be able to keep my hands off you for one evening?"Nathan stood up putting his arms around her. "Mmmm well don't worry you can make it up to me once we get home."She laughed softly enjoying his hold."So tell me how is work treating ya? Do you like your new job? You haven't told me much about work." Nathan asked concerned.Callie shrugged. "Well work is work you know. I mean well I just. Damn clitoris for getting to twitchy and hurts when it's sensitive. But, I'm being kept warm as Sir is unwrapping the new dildo I bought during the week, an 8 inch b**st.Using some lube and also his tongue, the dildo is pushed gently inside me. Holy shit. This already feels amazing and Sir isn't even doing anything with it yet! Using his tongue and dildo, he pumps it into me and I come harder and harder. I'm not squirting as I normally do but I guess that's due to lack of room. Sir uses his. She grabbed it with her hand and pulled it into her mouth."Oh that's soo good." I said looking at her head bobbing back and fore.I saw her as she licked the purple head with her pink tongue. Then she took it all into her mouth right up to my balls, and then pulled it right out. I was nearly coming and said so. She then wanked me quickly, with a big smile."Come on then, do it now."She let go, and my cock jerked upwards and sperm shot out over her lovely face and dress."Wow, that's some load..
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