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Better than I felt when you showed up last night. I don’t know if it was the pill or the exhaustion, but I slept like a log for nearly ten hours! I don’t remember you leaving though. What time was that?”“Oh, it was right after you took your medicine. So, you’re feeling healthy today? You feel like your anxiety is under control?”“Seems to be. I do feel a little bit sore in my, um, female parts for some reason, but I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about. Do we need to meet to work on strategy. On the surface, she is such a person. Born into a world of status and privilege, that most of us actually doubt the existence of, she has secured for herself that which others can scarcely imagine. Were she to appear within your visual field of view your eyes could not help being drawn to her tall statuesque frame, long dark hair and striking facial features. Having seen her, literally the first reaction that would pop into your mind is “Wow!” To say the woman is beautiful begs the limits of. She had an extremely good poker face. I seriously doubted anyone could decipher when she was bluffing during a card game. I nodded. ‘True.’ In our Kingdom, parents often arranged marriages in times of peace to ensure that there would be a new generation to take over in the future. ‘Anyway, I won’t be able to see you anymore, so I just came to say goodbye. I hope you have a good life,’ she wished with a genuine smile. ‘Thanks, you too,’ I returned the wish. She left, and I found I couldn’t. Instead I continue to smack my hard cock harder and harder against your cheeks and forehead and throat.I lift you up and put you on the table. I spread your legs and look at a cunt that has not been used enough. I take a drink and smoke a cigarette and look at you and the piece of gorgeous meat that you are. A blonde young woman with curves with an appetite for cocks and cum.I put a blindfold on you. You are surprised by how light my touch is considering my hands are big and look as rough as a.
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