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’ I realized I was chewing on my fingernail, something I hadn’t done in years. ‘What if he doesn’t want to see me?’ I said quietly. Mia’s head shot up. ‘Chelsea,’ she said sharply. ‘Don’t be an idiot.’ I snickered and she grinned. ‘Come on,’ she said, grabbing my laptop. ‘Let’s look up flights.’ Between Mia, Susan, and Charles, we had the whole trip arranged in a matter of days. Natasha was supportive about the last minute time off given I hadn’t had the chance to accrue much vacation time. Once suspicions are aroused, the game is over."Ammar nodded thoughtfully. "I'll take my own life before I'd reveal any of this Ilias. I'm still a danger to you though..." He didn't have to complete the thought. The truth drugs of an Inquisition Council were well known. "Ilias, I promise, no one else in my organization will know of this. You have my Holy word."Abigail spoke up. "That might not be possible Ammar, if we're to work together. My marriage has debated this point quite a bit. Some. Her hands still my movements as she relishes her orgasm. After a moment, my finger slowly starts its thrusting in and out. She moans her approval. I go a little faster and my thumb circles all round her clit. First lightly and then a little more aggressive. Timing my finger thrusts and my thumbs caresses on her clit, she is soon panting and her hips moving with a will of their own. Another climax hits her full on. Her breath seems knocked out of her and I feel her legs weaken and she leans. He heard the sound of rushing air as the woman inhaled powerfully. Her hands tangled in his hair and she pulled his lips against her. The young man’s lips journeyed from one erect nipple to its mate, then back, evoking more impassioned sounds and increasingly insistent movements from his partner. While his lips worked on the woman’s breasts, Bobby slid his hand over her smooth, flat belly and unfastened the snap at the waist of her jeans. With the snug pants loosened, he was able to slide his.
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