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The second person matching a nude person's card would follow suit (so to speak). A man's card matching a naked woman meant he was to perform cunnilingus.We had to explain "cunnilingus" to Ron who can be slow to grasp things. I ended up between Stephanie's legs, and she was a little more demanding than I would have preferred. She said, "You're not doing it right," and stuck my finger in her cunt. Earlier, Delores had given Stan a terrific blowjob and swallowed all of the evidence. Warren gave. If he didn’t like seeing me fuck his crush (or crushes?), too fucking bad. It wasn’t as if I could impregnate Violet or Vivien and certainly not through sodomy.In any case, it was worthwhile. Violet had an even nicer ass than her mother, not that Vivien was any slouch in the booty department. Violet was tight back there and her delectable bottom was on full display for my viewing pleasure. Even so, to last longer and mix things up, I swapped again, sliding back into Vivien in front of Tate and. The flight attendant also took the blanket. At this point Barb reached over and pinched Cheri's nipple and told her to spread her legs wide. There sat Cheri with her pussy on display. Fortunately first class was almost empty with the exception of an older man who was sleeping. The flight attendant told Barb she was very lucky to have such a nice whore. Cheri turned bright red and the Flight Attendant whose name was Amy made a point of noticing how hard Cheri's nipples got with that compliment.. He smiled at me and said, "It is myturn to get some foreplay." I looked at him strangely. There was no wayI could give him foreplay with my hands cuffed behind my head. I soonlearned how wrong I was. He straddled my chest and about five inchesfrom my face was his hard cock. He played with it some in the valleybetween my breasts and pushed it across the tip of my nipples. I watchedas he brought it up to my lips and asked me to suck him dry. I reallydid not want to do this, but I remember that.
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