Peragnet Bhabhi Ki Chudai mp4

“Right, arms over your head and legs spread wide for me.” She mutely raised her arms and spread her legs. He was fumbling at the front of his trousers and she heard the sound of his zipper. She couldn’t help looking down as he opened himself, reached inside and pulled out his rampant cock. He held it in his hand, massaging its length, preparing it for her. He looked at her and saw the pale ivory body before him with its patch of dark pubic hair, her breasts proudly lifting as she nervously. I began to move my ass up and down. I desperately wanted her to fuck me now with this cock in my mouth. She understood my need for violation, and moved in back of me. I felt the tip enter. The shaft slid nicely inside to my g-spot/prostate gland. “Wow you have been busy tonight, haven’t you?” She could tell I had been fucking earlier. “Mmmmm hmmm” I moaned with the cock in my mouth. “Yes, you have been a busy little whore haven’t you?” That word and the pressure of her shaft took. While he fucked me he played with my ass, pressing slightly into it with his spit soaked finger. Then he paused and said, "this will hurt if you struggle" and before it could register, he had pushed the head of his cock into my ass. He left it there for only a few minutes and then slammed the rest of himself into my ass. I remember screaming for him to stop and he just cupped my mouth and said, "remember if you struggle it's only going to hurt more" He pulled back out and spat all over my. I pulled out a piece of it and put it over her fine lips. I then procceded to roll the tape in layers around her head, and for each lap she made less noise. Finally I taped her legs together, she was all mine now:- Do you want this.She remained still:- If you want this I can give it to you. My wife can give it to you. We will be your masters. You will obey our every desire and do whatever we ask. You will dress as we ewant you to, do what we want you to. You will be our slave. Got it? You can.
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