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I had gone to bed nearly two hours ago. I was awakened by the sound of my parents fighting. I heard my mom scream at him to get out of their room. I heard him shouting as he slammed out of the room, "Fine, if you don't wanna fuck me ever again you won't blame me for getting it elsewhere." He slammed out of the house. I was a little bit worried but I knew he would come home later. I went back to sleep.Something woke me again. I heard breathing in my room and I startled awake. I looked at the. I was trying on a lot of clothes, some of which required me to remove my bra.” That piqued my interest. “So, it was easier to just leave it off.“But,” she added, “I was thinking of what you could be buying me, and I started to get really horny. I can’t explain it. Even my pussy got wet. And, riding in the Mini with the top down makes me so randy. So, I decided to look extra-sexy for you, and it also has other advantages.”With that, she undid the button on her shorts and pulled down the zip. She. I said yep I am, found a nice spot away from the crowd. She said, well I guess I should get back to the group. I said OK, nice to meet you Nancy. She flashed me a big smile and headed out. I finished my shopping and returned to my site, started and fire, ate, relaxed and plan my route for tomorrow. It was warm next to the fire so I took off my shirt and shorts leaving me in just my boxer briefs. I am a good distance away from anybody, so the chance of someone walking into my camp is not. I can tell that confused her but she wasn't ready for what was coming next.I flipped her over and started to put four of the eight inches in her pussy and I kept doing that til I heard her say she was about to cum then as she getting closer and she moaned more I gave her the full eight then when I felt the pussy get wet all over my cock I pulled it out and put it at the crack of her phat white ass and then I pulled her hair and told her when I'm done with this ass it will belong to me and you.
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