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When I looked up again he was drinking his whiskey, giving a little shake of the shoulders as it went down. "I mean the booze. What's a guy like you crawling into the bottle for?" Maybe I like to drink," he said sullenly, putting his glass down with a heavy thud and reaching for the bottle."My job." I smiled and grabbed it before he could. I spoke slowly as I poured, "You get fired or something?"He seemed to find that funny and he chuckled softly as I grabbed a basket of old popcorn out of the. Melinda was one of countless students who struggled to pass the second half of freshman English composition at the university. She was one of several students I tutored to pick up some extra cash while making my way through my own graduate studies. Of the lot, however, Melinda was most definitely one of the cutest: a fair-skinned blond with a quiet voice and an innocent demeanor.Melinda was about as strong in English classes as I used to be in Math classes. (Basically, I sucked at Math.) So she. “No, Ma-am.” I tangled my fingers together behind my back to hide their trembling. “I-I think you and I have a particular problem that we dare not reveal. There’s something about your son, you don’t want anyone to know. Please, there’s no cause for panic.” I reassured with a trembling voice. M-my son, he has a power over me.“Are you with the police, undercover?” Her body vibrated at a higher frequency. “Is there a camera, a microphone?” Her head swiveled like mad.“No. No. Nothing like that. I’m. Alexis glared at Sandi. “Don’t you ever know when to quit.” Alexis went to Heidi’s car and got in. Shortly after, Heidi and Sandi got in. They were all silent most of the way home. When they were a few blocks from Sandi’s house, Sandi apologized to Alexis. “I’m sorry. I know I got a little carried away with insulting that woman.” “A little?” Heidi said raising her eyebrow. “I just don’t like seeing you all upset and Angel seems to make you all sad.” “I did this to myself,” Alexis thought. “I.
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