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Now, everything that we have at the motel all uses diesel fuel, and that is easy to come by. We have a tank truck that we use to haul fuel from the Navy base to the motels.There is so much diesel fuel stored by the Navy and the Marines that we will probably bring in a large generator to use at night. I have been working with Ann to come up with a switching system that will automatically turn on the generator when the solar panels cannot keep up with demand. That should be ready by the end of. " She started to wank me slowly pulling up and down on my shaft and I had to pull away as I did not want to come so quickly. She looked a little confused when I moved. "Now it's your turn", I said, "take off your clothes". She undressed, taking each item off carefully and placing the garments on bedside table. I sat on the bed and watched her nakedness unfold before me. Her body was even more beautiful than I had imagined. She was so well proportioned, Her breasts stuck. Venezuela was still a troublemaker in the western hemisphere. They were one of only two countries, Brazil being the other one, on the continent who had not joined the new country of South America. Their oil reserves had long since run out, and they did not have that to fall back on, so the government was trying to get by with exporting discord.I thought it was one of those "believe it or not" kind of things, but the government of South America was paying blackmail money to Venezuela to keep. . or take them off. Once the pull sticks were activated, however, I would definitely not be able to bring my hands together until the locks released the ropes. I took off the wrist restraints and adjusted the ropes about three inches tighter. All was ready.“Time to light me up,” I said aloud as I reached into the bag for my vibrators. Both the anal plug and the dildo that I chose have electronic systems that can be controlled by a smartphone. I already had it programmed, so I switched the plug.
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