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Instinctively, I walked over and sat sideways on his lap, and he held me tightly in his arms. Everyone kind of began talking all at once, and the relief in the air was obvious. Everyone gathered on the bed, and Sandy brought in drinks. I stayed on daddy’s lap, and before long, I could feel his erection pushing between my legs. I shifted around so that my back faced him. What the hell, I thought, we’ve come this far…might as well give him what he wants: I put my feet on the floor, and leaned. Bang. Yet another sound from the kitchen. "What do you reckon" I said, "We'd better go look" "Yep, come on" Sharon said reluctantly. We hopped off the seat and I wiped my hand on my pants. We wandered over to the door of the kitchen and swung it open and lo and behold here was Sheryl completely naked, on her back, up on the kitchen island bench with Dave the chef ploughing his cock in and out of her pussy. Bill was standing beside her, still in his shoes, feeding his cock into her open mouth.. ...I put my plan into action. I called the car shop and asked what time the car would be ready. They told me it would be ready in around an hour. I told Sally that it was ready and that I needed to pick it up right then so I called a cab. Then I texted Katrina and told her I'd be there in about an hour and not to get dressed. She agreed.The cab dropped me at the shop and I paced up and down, unable to concentrate on much for thinking about Katrina in her thong, her thick hair falling around her. Reaching the bedroom, she stood at the foot of the bed, looking at the sleeping Chloe. Momo’s tail was curling and her ears were twitching from her rising energy. She crawled into the bed, the shaking of the mattress awaking Chloe. Seeing Momo and knowing what she was going to do, Chloe whimpered and turned away.A deep purr in her throat, Momo pulled away the blankets, prompting Chloe to curl up the fetal position. Regardless of her passive resistance, Momo managed to work her hand between.
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