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“Let me put some gel on you. I think you will be turned on by this.” She left me, and went to one of the drawers in the vanity. “Turn around, and let me see you.” I complied, and she filled her hand up with the depilatory cream. “I use this on myself, and it doesn’t hurt at all--”, as she began to slowly, sensually rub my engorged cock and balls with the somewhat slimy cream. “Spread your legs, baby. I need to get to other places---” I spread-eagle as she massaged the cream in to my areas of. The next night I watched my wife get ready. She was supposed to wear something sexy. She chose a tight black miniskirt with a bright blue silk blouse which she left unbuttoned far enough to see her black lace bra. The matching thong was not as easy to see. A pair of blue heels finished the ensemble. All that remained was the overdone make-up he requested.When she was ready, she looked so desperate to impress that she could pass for a hooker. It took some restraint not to fuck her right then.. When he was all the way in I wrapped my legs around him and held him in place, my pussy couldn't stop quivering, his girth was stretching me out, and it felt so good. While my pussy expanded Jack mauled my nipples again, pinching and tugging at them.I loosen my legs and moaned, "Fuck me Jack."He started slow, pulling out gently and plunging back in hard, he never let go of my tits. I wrapped my legs back around him and pulled him back into me harder and harder with each stroke. When he had. “We should have helped him.” I could barely breathe. “How?” asked Michael. “Ghammal is fucking dead.” “The police. We have to let the authorities know.” “What can we tell them?” Michael was right. “I don’t want to rot in an Egyptian jail for the rest of my life.” The warm sun forced more air from my aching lungs. While we stumbled away from the pyramids, I fished out two bottles of mineral water from my backpack. We guzzled it down. I splashed water on my overheated body. The cool relief was.
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