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“I think this is what you had in mind all the while wearing that sluttish thong that just barely covered your cunt!”“No, no, it wasn’t” Rinoa denied.Meanwhile Irvine had knelt down by Rinoa and said “I have just what you need for the pain and believe me when I say it – this won’t hurt a bit.”Rinoa began to verbally protest and attempted to sit up quickly again.“Selphie” Irvine ordered, “Hold her down.”Selphie, moving quickly around behind Rinoa’s head, pressed down with her hands on Rinoa’s. “Some of these look like the paintings in the churches.”“The icons, yes. Technically, icons are not ‘painted’ but ‘written’ because they convey a story or message. I think they’re special, though I wouldn’t argue that secular art can’t have similar emotional and spiritual effects.”“What do you mean? Isn’t it just like a painting?”“In one sense, yes. And great paintings move the observer to some kind of response, often emotional. They can be very powerful in that way. The icons have that effect. ” Derrick seemed genuinely excited. “I’m not up for all that. Can we just stay in? I don’t feel too well after last night.” She was attempting to get out of a romantic evening with him. His face contorted in anger. “Maybe you shouldn’t of stayed out all night drinking with that chick!” He barked. “Derrick I never say anything about you going out with the guys…”He immediately went calm. “You’re right. That was rude of me. I’m sorry. We’ll stay in if you wish. We can do a nice dinner here.” Gabby. I stroll over and start to watch them play two of them are pretty good the others just playing for fun, they make eye contact with me, smiling at me then one another. “Can we get you a drink” one of them asks. “Another of these as it’s my birthday” would be great I reply. “Caesar knows what it is” I thank the guys. I am now drawn into their group, I play a few games of pool with them, flirting a little, bending over when I take my shot, my dress riding up my.
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