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Bodies, arms, and hands resemble those of a human being, but with the tail and head of an animal. (Except that their whole bodies were covered in fur, feathers, or scales as appropriate to their animal side, and everyone has binocular vision like a human and all their parts are sized for a human frame.) Legs, feet, and genitals were a crapshoot, there was no predicting if a person's lower body would remain largely human, except growing a tail and animal type skin coverings, or would change to. " Hmmm… maybe I will. With you, I feel like I can do anything..." She nuzzled into me and we lay there entwined and quiet for quite some time until we felt her begin to drip onto our legs. I quickly spun around and buried my tongue into her pussy, lapping and sucking out our cum. I licked and bathed her upper thighs as she squirmed and rolled around. Finally I fell back onto the bed.She touched my semi-limp penis and gently caressed it. My eyes were closed as I enjoyed her tender touch. Then I. Then when he got up told him to go wash and then prepare dinner. After showering Francesco waits for her to decide on his clothing. Before dressing him, Mistress takes a leather thong of 2.5 inches wide which tied balls sac, balls were tight and stretched. Then a leather bag for balls tied hard with strings. And finally a leather sleeve with strings for his cock. Afterwards Francesco wore black rubber shorts and a normal white t-shirt and lastly thigh high boots . S\The shorts had a hole that. “Take a deep breath now lover, breathe in the smell of my big arse. Stick your tongue out and lick my panties for me.” My tongue reached out and I tasted her underwear. It was warm and moist. She twerked against me, rubbing her crotch all over my face.“So do you want your present now? Actually, i don't care if you do or you don't, I'm giving it to you regardless. Just open your mouth for me.” I opened wide and attributed the sound of her fumbling fingers to her pulling aside her panties..
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