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My boyfriend Danny and I had broken up because things just werent working the way we had hoped they would. A couple weeks after that, I got really horny. My period had just ended and I needed a good fucking. (I was now living in my own apartment and my mom thankfully let me keep Rocky) I went to my room and laied on my bed. I was rubbing my clit and fucking myself with my favorite vibrator. I was almost at climax when I felt something breathing heavily at the base of my pussy. I looked and saw. But for now, you are dismissed.With deft movements, she releases the collar and as she does so, a crushing sense of disappointment seizes me. To be freed from the collar is not liberation. I feel it as a rejection.She hands me the collar, the crop, and the key to the trunk, brisk now.“Put these back in the trunk and get dressed.”She rises, smoothing her skirt, and adjusting her hair.As I dress she goes to a drawer and takes a folder from it. I know what it is. It’s my signed copy of the. He didnt answer so i left a message telling him ill meet him at the office party.i ran from the car to the door opening it with my key, hoping nobody would see me, i knew i had an hour before people started arriving , i found my out fit, a little devil dress i went into the toliets to get changed. suddenly the front door opened and i heard giggling and footsteps, i rushed to get dressed before i was caught naked in the works toliet. as i approached the door i heard a loud slap and a deep. You had sworn an oath to keep the grown and kingdom safe against anything and up to this point you had been more than successful.You were a hardened warrior at barely 26 and thanks to your intense training many considered you to be the best of the best. No other soldier could even compare, struggling to even keep up against you when sparring. This has lead to your fellow knights giving you respect, but also to many of them feeling distrustful of what you could do.Many admired you, not only.
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