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People are asking me about you," Roxy said. "They're just fascinated because they've never seen a woman eat like a truck driver," I said with a laugh."You're so dumb," Roxy laughed. "Let's go flirt."Roxy and I spent the next couple hours or so drinking and chatting with people. All the while I kept exchanging glances with my new friend. After a while, she started walking towards me so I met her halfway. "Would it be ok if I got your number? I would love to hang out sometime," she asked. "That. Without speaking another word Charlie leaned in and started kissing him, and he quickly began to kiss back. Soon the young teens were making out with an extreme passion. Charlie knew Jack was too sensitive to make any moves, so she decided to push the pace. She slowly slipped her hand inside his t-shirt and felt his rock solid abs before snaking her fingers down his pants to tease the tip of his dick. The boy moaned in pleasure and slowly clawed at Charlie's breasts through her sweatshirt.. Hesitantly, he asked me if I would ever kiss him as passionately as I kissed Cindy. My heart leapt. He told me he was very sexually attracted to me and that I was not to tell Cindy. I moved towards him and our mouth met. Soon we were in the bed room where we stripped each other. The rest is as you can imagine.Even though all 3 of us frequently meet up and we fucked Cindy hard there was no bi interaction in her presence.Rick often came around to my place as we secretly played with each. In the end, they agreed to plead guilty to aggravated assault with the intent to do bodily harm, and conspiracy to commit rape, which meant they’d have 20 years without parole each. And then Superintendent Harris was brought in. His lawyer was the older man who’d represented the rapists. They were both feisty. ‘Your Police Captain attacked me.’ snarled Harris. ‘I’m going to press charges and sue her. And I’ll call every firefighter in that building to the stand, and every last one of them will.
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