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One or two of them had mentioned that I should try what they called"Petticoat Punishment." The one girl said she tried it and it did wondersin how her son now acts. Basically they said I should force Ricky todress as a little girl, as a punishment every time he gets in trouble.The problem is now with him playing Dorothy and Lynn teaching him how toact in a dress. It's almost exactly what they told me I should try, onlyhes doing to himself. The thing is I think he likes dressing up, and itis. It made quite a picture. Maxine, wagging her tail, walked to the couch and started licking Willie's face. She didn't move.I decided that no instruction was necessary for this hypnosis session, so I just left them for a few minutes and walked down the hall to my office, where I put the watch back into its mahogany box. I didn't really like that box, all things considered. It reminded me of something I'd just as soon forget. Still, it's better to remember, sometimes; like a fatter "before". The Gel now had complete control of his body.Both Susan and Evan saw the graphic close-up of his stub-like penis, small testicles and rectal area in their HD monitors. Both saw that Gel mass making its way between his bent thighs, spreading the cheeks of his buttocks further apart. His anal lips tingled as the soft Gel slipped over it, on its way toward his balls and penis. He felt his testicles slipping into warm, massaging pouch and sighed as the new sensations flowed across his loins and a. Mandhana: What happened Mom? You look tensed and he too looks tensed. What happened?I asked her to show her ears, to tell about the issue that we are facing. But Mithun pulled my hand to stop and not to tell this problem to her. But Mandhana hit Mithun’s hand to take his hand away. I whispered her about the incident and the issue and she started laughing by keeping her palm over her mouth.Son: I told you not to tell her about that! (In a frustrated manner and asked her to stop laughing).Me:.
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