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His hair, a mixture of iron-gray and black, was pulled back into a short pony-tail. With his weathered skin and salt-and-pepper beard, he could make a very convincing ‘Samurai face’ that never failed to make the children’s classes giggle. If I were just ten years older, I might wish he wasn’t happily married. As it was, he had in many ways filled the empty spaces left in my heart when my father died several years ago. He found the paper he was looking for and handed it to me. ‘You said you. Some were kissing; others were groping, grasping, petting. Many people were engaging in these acts with everyone around them. This arm touching this person, that tongue in this person’s mouth, this leg grinding someone else’s. It was euphoric ecstasy all around!The beat began to slow, and with it the multitudes of bodies. The touching wasn’t as feverish, the sharp edge of need abated with the throbbing bass. People everywhere paired up, to rest against each other, creating slow and lazy circles. After 15 mins of browsing and staring, I realised that my phone was about to die (2%). So I asked rajni aunty” aunty do you have a samsung charger?”“Haan haan beta. It’s on the plug beside me. Wait. ”Rajni aunty kept her phone aside and bent on the side of her sofa to pick up her charger. Fuck me. As soon as she bent, her ass popped out a bit from her jeans. I could see 40% of her red laced panty, which kissed her ass . The middle of it was stuck into her buttgap. I just wanted to slam my rock. Mom just nods her head and goes back to eating as Amber resumes her teasing. The arch of her foot presses against my calf and rubs upwards to my knee before her toes curl inwards, essentially walking along my inner thigh. Her toes press against the quickly forming bulge in my pants and begin to knead it.My breath catches in my throat slightly as I try to concentrate on my food and not letting my mother see what is happening. My eyes shoot daggers at Amber trying to mentally tell her to stop,.
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