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That late Fall I wound up marrying one of these ski bunnies much to the disapproval of Michelle and Lori. My parents readily accepted her but with reservations. After several intense discussions with Michelle and Lori in which culminated in one final frustrated outburst by me which shocked Michelle and Lori to their core, severally hurting their feelings and making them cry with racking sobs as they clung to each other - I could not help pointing out that the woman I so wanted for years to. She brings the hand that was on her legs up to her mouth. And in a very sensuous move, licks her finger. Then proceeds to suck on it as if it were a lollipop. Her beautiful lips surround it, sucking and moistening it. Her finger slowly moving in and out. At this point, I realize that I am very turned on by watching this. My hard, throbbing member being confined to my jeans. But it is obvious by the bulge in my pants. I am wishing that it wasn't her finger that Leigh was sucking on. My own hand. “wow, you are so tight, I love it”. He fingered fucked her just long enough for her to be in torture, and then she felt this amazing warm sensation that sent a wave of shock throughout her body. He started licking her, and sucking up all her juices that were flowing out like a river, you could hear the slurping sounds as they were both moaning very loudly. Nose buried deep between his sisters perfect pussy lips, he worked up to her clit and started to nibble and suck on it. “aahhh OMG Mark,. "Aren't you worried I might hurt you, or get you pregnant, or give you a disease?"She simply shook her head once to all his questions. "If you want to hurt me, go for it. I shouldn't get pregnant from both birth control and it just not being the right time, but if I do, oh well. As for disease, I know I'm clean and I don't care whether you are or not. If it weren't for you, I'd be dead right now, this body either lost at sea or in a bag down in some hospital morgue. So really, it's no harm to.
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