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I strode forward. “You have good taste, Kushini.”“So do you, Malakisha,” she said, no hint of her pettiness in her voice.“1100 dupondius,” pregnant Atoshia said. She was my niece though she was older than me by two months. Her tiger ears twitched. She gave me a hungry smile. “Yes, you do have good taste, Auntie Malakisha.”I ran my tongue over my fangs. Oh, wouldn't it be nice to just rip out her throat right now, too. But I couldn't show weakness like that. Killing publicly, killing out of. Eye. Joey looked at the extremely beautiful and sexy wife sitting beside him, and said, “Take off your shirt and bra.”Without a sign of unwillingness, Riley unbuttoned her shirt and slipped it off. After laying it beside her on the sofa, she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra. Joey watched intently, as the beautiful wife removed her bra, laying it with her shirt. Riley was now sitting beside Joey topless. It was the first time her magnificent and flawless C-cup breasts had been. I WAS QUITE SHOCKED AS I THOUGHT I WOULD HAVE JUST FUCKED HER BUT SHE HADDIFFERENT IDEAS.FOR A GUY MY AGE I HAD A DECENT SIZE (9IN NOW) SUSAN STARTED TO LICK THE TIP OFMY COCK UNTIL IT WEEPED PRECUM. SHE STARTED TO GIVE LONG SLOW STROKES WITHHER HAND. BY NOW I WOULD FEEL MY BALLS TIGHTEN UP AND NEXT MINUTE MY COCK WASSHOOTING CUM INTO HER MOUTH.SUSAN SUCKED IT UNTIL SHE DRAINED IT.I COULD TASTE THE SALTYNESS OF MY CUM AS WE KISSED.SUSAN TOOK MY HAND AND SLID IT INTO HER PANTIES. I COULD FEEL. I bet she hasn't had a decent fuck for years and, she's probably not bad looking either, right? I mean, I have to give Eleyna her due, she's quite good looking."Lisa straightened up and put her hands on her hips. I had mentioned that Eleyna only had one parent and Lisa had erroneously assumed it was her Mom who actually was the one that had run off. Judging by the pictures I'd seen, she had been pretty hot."She must be what... forty-five years old? God, you guys would fuck anything that moved,.
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