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And I was staring at her panty and looking down. She saw me and asked what happened. I said nothing then she saw me looking at her panty.So she asked so you were looking at my panty? . I was like “what? no.” then she is like I saw you looking at it. And I got scared. Then she is like “it’s favourite kno”. I dint say anything and she said ” it’s my favorite because of you” and then I got scared. And I asked “me? why??” Then she is like “I saw what you did baby…your cum on my panty. He’s concerned about that, but I told him you’d catch on right away and he’d be able to teach you to avoid all the bad habits he hates in other people.”“That sounds awesome. So he wants me to stay away from Mark and Char?” I smirked.“No, I told him about your secret project. I think he’s curious what you’re planning.”“Well, if he calls me when you’re not around, I’ll tell him about it,” I promised.“I’ll give him the phone right now so you can talk about it. He’s promised not to spoil the. “What is my fate today”? Cheerfully asked Vernessa, only hoping that it would be another history class today. “Oh yeah, let me check”, replied madam Livia and quickly scanned the list of absent teachers. “Yes, here you are. Today you are substituting for Mr. Green in the Math class in room number 308.Vernessa thanked her gracefully and rushed towards the stairs to take her to the 3rd floor. It was not difficult to fine room 308 on the third floor. She got in the room to find it full of 11th. We kissed slowly, enjoying the softness of lips. I must say she was quite a kisser.I lifted her and took her to the bedroom. I put her on the bed and climbed over her. I knew she wanted to be caressed and pampered. She wanted someone to satisfy her, to touch her aching body. I kissed her forehead then her nose then her soft red lips. I bit her ears.“Ouch! you naughty boy,” Nidhi exclaimed.I kissed her neck. She closed her eyes and gave out a moan. I removed her t-shirt. She was wearing a pink.
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