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I stayed at bed, embracing my sweet wife.Ana had got really exhausted after our night fuck session; so she got up in the early afternoon.Anita sipped a late coffee in silence. She hardly looked at me when I sat down opposite her with my own cup of coffee.Smiling, I asked her if they had a good time on Wives night out…One minute later, Ana looked at my eyes and told me she had spent a wonderful great time in bed with me after she came home. But she was feeling bad about the evening with those. "Here it is again," she said, reaching under the top of her dress at theshoulder and pulling out a yellow bra strap and the top of the string,see?"----- o ----- o ----- o ----- o ----- o -----We passed into the restaurant without further incident and decided tohave a light meal from the buffet. Despite the way I thought we weredressed, I could see that no-one paid us the slightest attention as wefilled our plates and took them to a table. The waiter came with drinksand we chatted about. In my pocket was a cloth that I roughly gagged her with." Hmmmfffff ugghhh!" Stacey kicked and wriggled but I was much stronger the potion seeming to also fill me with the energy of a young buck. She has a hand full and half way up the stairs I slipped Stacey falling on her back legs apart. I grabbed her blonde locks dragging her kicking the rest of the way.Their bedroom was a sickly Barbie pink, in keeping with the tight waist bitch I flung on her fluffy pink bed. She was panting heavily her. “Yes I have,” I said, “And I can tell you it gets better as you start to show, your tummy will get in the way so we will need to find ways to fuck that won’t hurt the baby.” I couldn’t believe I was saying it, she had come to stay until she got things straightened out and now I was planning on fucking her months in advance. I hesitated, hoping I had not screwed this up.“Well I know lots of ways, we can work on it together. I am sorry about calling you Daddy, I didn’t mean anything creepy.
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