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So she was still in her skimpy little outfit with dried cum on her face. But I wanted her extremely aware of her situation, so I had her recreate some famous picture I had in my mind. It was the middle of the day and Karen no longer smoked, but the picture in my mind was of a whore leaning against a brick wall with one knee bent and the foot on that leg holding her ass away from the wall, while her hands were interlaced behind her head, as if the wall was a bed and she was waiting for her next. " Oh my God, are joking?" Carla gasped as she thought of a tiny horse fucking a woman."Nope, I get calls and so many letters, I can't count them all, but I just can't put an add in the paper asking for a girl to help me teach a horse to fuck them!" she laughed and watched as Rex went wild for the sexy young girl."I love Rex and the idea of a dog um ... doing me, but a horse?" They are bigger and they do have a much longer cock, for those um ... hard to reach places!" Vicky laughed and Carla did. They need to decide if they want extra security for Jeryl. Especially while they are traveling on their family vacation.”“I don’t want to go to Michigan while you’re doing all this,” Jeryl said as we sat in the office and discussed what I would be doing while she was gone and why. Jim and Candace were there as well. Jim and I had decided to not discuss this with Kelly yet.“It will be fine. I’m sure my imagination is running away from me, but you know the old saying, ‘Just because you’re. Just move it!" Inez giggled upon hearing that. The other person within earshot, Evie, giggled even louder."Men are such pigs," Evie teased me."Oink oink," I shot back.After practice, everyone split the scene, except for Inez and me. She said she wanted to stick around for a little while. Mayra and Lisette came downstairs, and they motioned us over to the sofa, as we pulled over a couple of chairs. There was a serious aura surrounding all this, and I wondered what was up.It was Lisette who spoke.
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