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Thankfully it was the summer so I didn't really care, I was too busy being cute for the boys, short skirts a plenty, I yet to get a bf like my bff, so I was on a mission that summer but boys being boys are shy of asking urg. Anyway it was the 1st weekend my parents we're away, since me n my bff where planning to go to the beach on Sunday, I had to go back home to get some beach ware, I told my friends mom I was going to be a few hours as I thought I'd have a relaxing dip in the pool all to . I kind of knew that she wasn’t a virgin, especially by how sexually charged she was last night. She was a fucking sex goddess every second, from the moment she walked into the room with the lingerie to the end when I shot my load inside of her. Bits and pieces of everything started to come together in my mind. I vividly remembered her talking about having a boyfriend that broke her heart by having an affair with another woman. It’s possible that she had sex with this boyfriend before he fucked. If we lose the island our invasion will go down in history as a failure." The young Marine cleared his own throat and he said "Colonel what does all of this have to do with me?"The colonel looked at his Private First Class and he said to the young man "as part of our defensives we had several companies of Marines who were at the bottom of the ridge and their job was to serve as a protective speed bump." When the Japanese hit those Marines they hit them hard very hard and now we don't have. That's when I spotted it. A large a****l had caught a smaller one and seemed to be making a meal of it. Though startling, this sight was not uncommon in the remote area that I lived. It was just the way of nature.My ears perked up to another scream. This time, it was unmistakably the cry of a human needing help. I focused again and saw it was a woman being attacked, not an a****l. I grabbed the first thing I could, a broom, flung open the back door and ran into the field, screaming and making.
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