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Oh, my God"[/i]That hundreds of times in a row, if the shoot takes long. - Pun! We even get some short pillow-talk: "Does it feel good?Do you like it? - "Oh, yeah!" No surprise here. He repeats.Finally he seems sure, we all get his verbal message to her.Mr. Wand from Japan does his job. "Feels so good at my clit!"Wow, she can talk as well! Jokes aside. She's horny now & Hot!She holds by both hands her ass-cheeks apart. Her ass gapes.He gets her invitation. Slips his boner tool right in. Till. Sexy Tanisha welcomed me with a big smile on her face. She was wearing a grey sports bra and a white track pant.Tanisha: Hello love! How are you doing? Hope your cock is at least excited to see me.Me: Hello, Tanisha! I’m fine. And why do you say that?Tanisha: Because you still have your clothes on… (making a sad face).Me: I’m so sorry, Tanisha. In my excitement to chat with you, I forgot to take off my clothes.I removed my shirt and trousers and showed her my stiff dick.Tanisha: Wonderful! And. As I started to walk down the hall, Shalyndria asked me to stop. I turned as she ran up to me. She whispered in my ear, “When you bring our friends home, we have much to talk about now.” I was soundly kissed before she pushed me back down the hall. I brushed my mind over her cord and felt nothing but hope and love. The fear, anxiety, and sadness that had dominated her emotions were gone. I turned and walked away.I went to the stables and helped the keeper saddle my mare. I touched Petra’s cord. People going about their regular lives in the street so many floors below. The shower in our en-suite running... I get halfway through thinking "...who the fuck is in our bathroom?" when the events of the past few hours flood my memory like a vivid dream. Nothing more is said as I am undressed by you both, giggling with each other, fuelled by Champagne and lust, kneeling in front of me, trying to decide between you who will taste me first...A compromise is made as the tip of my straining cock.
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