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As I overactingly groaned during my rise, Sophie frowned a little apologetically. Once at the fence, she smiled while holding her phone in front of her."Good morning," I offered, feeling a bit like an ass."Good morning to you," she replied in her heavy accent.Then she showed me her phone for a moment which displayed a translation app. Turning the phone back to her, Sophie began to speak in her native language of Mandarin. Once finished, she turned it toward me. I imagined some questions on. In my better moments, I might even be sort of pretty, but in a plain-Jane, Irish lass sort of way. The two of you, though, keep on going on like I’m something exceptional, and I’m not. Really, I know I’m not.”Erik and Serena shared a look, and then Erik asked Serena, “You want to tell her?”“Naw, you’re better with words and crap like that.”Erik shook his head, smiling at Serena’s straightforward nature. Then, taking a deliberate breath, he looked over at Melissa and began, “Okay. So yeah, at. "Is it everything else besides us or just happenstance?" Are you guys stoned?" asked the mulatto."Not anymore," answered the princess."Maybe we should be," said the mulatto."I had the one reefer," I said."Bring more next time," ordered the mulatto. "Anyway, I had fun. I liked when I spoke the monologue and you guys said weird things like you were adding to it. I liked the times when you acted like you were arguing about something, only you talked about two different things. I liked it when all. To me, a pussy is one of the greatest things a woman brings to the table. But Rebecca's hot, wet hole was exceptional, even for pussy. It was the most wonderful sight I'd ever seen - bar none. With its pink, pulsing walls, the soft drops of sweet honey oozing from them, the musky aroma of a woman in heat, and the warmth radiating from deep within, I just wanted to crawl inside and never come out! God she was beautiful! I dove into that pink perfection, shoving my face into the apex of her.
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