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”I decided to keep my mouth shut for now, but I figured the information would come in handy later. After I played with a few things here and there and figured out how it all worked.Gina was still lying in the center and started playing with herself.“So are you the least bit worried?” Stacy asked“About what?” I said smiling to cover the sudden ‘uh oh’ in my head. “You just filled Kat full of nice thick rich cum. Are you worried she might get pregnant?” Kat asked.I laughed. “Nope,” I stated. She gasped, but didn't object to his actions so while she was groaning and gasping I undid her shirt and lifted her bra' over her breasts so that I could fondle her two beautiful, soft, and rounded mounds. She could take as long as she liked to regain her composure; I was in heaven fondling two large, flawless, breasts and teasing her, now erect, nipples.Eventually she pushed Snoopy away."I've never experienced anything like that before, it was like an explosion." Did you like it?" Yes, and I. He only just held back a groan from the temporary relief of touch. A pool of spit and he easily started working himself. Up, down, squeeze, twist. Oh, that was so good. His mind replayed images of the two of them together. Sian smiling up at him as she held his cock, and her tongue on him that first morning. God, he was hard. Coming between her gorgeous tits. In her mouth. Her swallowing him up. Him restraining her, and her moans as he did what he wanted to her luscious body. Pre-come oozed. Carson, I thought I heard you ask for coffee, if you want me too I can go get the tea!!!" My dinner's already been ruined by your incompetence," she snapped while turning her attention back to her husband, "what do you think I should do with her, I'm at my wits end!?!" Laurel Grant stood silently next to the table while her boss up braided her, and much to her horror, Nick Carson suggested that she should be spanked!!!"You wouldn't dare," Laurel exclaimed while shrinking away from the table,.
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