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"Someday, though," Kylie said, "I'd love to have a baby, though." Yeah!?" MK seemed surprised."Yeah." Kylie seemed surprised by MK's surprise. "I love babies. Theway they feel. The way they smell. I love them." Yuck," Ella chimed in. "That's because you don't have one to dealwith. I have my little brother and, let me tell you, he's a lot to dealwith. The crying, the feedings, the long nights when nobody sleeps. Theever present smell of poop. No thanks!" Yeah!" MK said and high-fived her friend,. ....The rest of Harriet's day was made up of :- A little work then sex. Some housework then sex. Some more telephoning during sex, then all afternoon was one long masturbation session with so many orgasms she almost lost count. Harriet didn't know what was happening to her.........But she liked it. She liked it a lot.......!!!!!!!!!!!! *****************************************************************Later, when 'Si' got home, he opened the door and was met by his mother's instant embrace and. First off Amy had turned 18 so, well you know the rest of that. Second she can also be a sneaky little devil c***d who always gets her way especially with me. Her mom Lisa can keep her in line better than I can.Amy is a beautiful girl, of course I would say that right? But it's true tall red with red hair, brown eyes, lean body, but nicely endowed like her mom, a pretty face, and her smile melts me. I am ok for a middle aged guy, I notice women still glance.This is what happened, Lisa had to. ..we both love the beach and so on our first day we went out with just swimwear flip flops and towels to the we walked further along we realised that we had strayed onto a nudist part of the beach sue thought it would be good to stay and so we settled to sunbathe. after a few minutes i looked over to see that sue had taken her bikini off and was lying on her back naked...she grabbed my trunks and whipped them off running down the beach with them in the air whilst i stayed on my.
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