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” I said as I tried to quickly grab my glass, and get out of there. “Awfully bold of you, isn't it?” “What?” I asked knowing what she meant. “You know.” she said as she took a sip from her glass, running her finger up and down my body from a short distance. “Ha! Yeah, well, didn't expect-Sorry about that.” “Do you usually walk around peoples houses almost naked?” “Well, not as a-” “With an erection?” she interrupted me. I looked down, and she was right. I was rocking a full-on hard-on. In my. The sound of the hoverwing overhead interrupted, and Jennifer let him go and turned to face Panther as he landed. The shop owner took the opportunity to run in the opposite direction."Now here's the trouble with a mind-controlled ally, stopping them without hurting them too much," Matt said. "You don't exactly have much by way of non-lethal weaponry, and we also don't know how well protected she is by that getup, so this is going to be tricky." Shotgun, Hike!" Jennifer called out, and slashed. Pat started to feel aroused, a welling in the base of his loins. 'Almost six weeks and no sex, no even a wank' he thought as he tired to move his mind to something different. 'What are you thinking Hon?' Poi asked. 'Nothing!' pat replied quickly hoping she wouldn't notice his now uncontrollable growing hard on. As the sun began to set they continued to drink and the air was filled with broken conversation, the alcohol was beginning to ease the atmosphere somewhat. 'Why don't we go out to. When she wouldn't take any more I put her on my shoulder and patted her she burped and then I rocked her until she went to sleep.Tyrone was nearing his climax and Helen was moaning when I got back to the bedroom. I heard the front door open and a voice call out "We're here." Tyrone hollered back for them to come on up, "And hurry. We need some help." Derek and four other guys came into the bedroom and immediately started to strip.I glance over at them and said, "Tyrone is almost ready to shoot.
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