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She didn’t seem to mind and I used to feel really nice.Sometimes my cock used to rub on her bum! But it was not sexual. Sometimes I used to hug mom and accidentally, touch her boobs. Mom didn’t mind these things at that time. But after a few years, everything changed.One day I woke and my mom had already woke up and left. As usual, I had a hard-on in the morning time.Now the scene begins.Mom: Wake up, Avi. It is already 9:00 clock you have to go to collegeMe: Aah mom, why so early? I can go. His tongue plays masterfully around her bud stopping to tap it once or twice as he circles it. He starts to fuck her with that rough finger working it deeply in and out. He pulls it all the way out and kneeling runs his tongue down through her pussy, and further still. She tries to push him higher to her throbbing clit, but he continues down. His tongue slides across her asshole collecting the juice leaking from her pussy. He pauses, rolls his tongue and pushes it into her asshole. The coppery. “No!” Harry grinned, “because you’re always happy!”.“Yes well you have to be.”“What do you mean?” Harry asked curiously.Adam leaned over onto his side so that he could face Harry properly. Gazing into his tired green eyes he asked, “What’s with the philosophical mood this morning? Usually I just get a cuddle” He smiled.“Hmm,” Harry answered, “no reason, I just want to talk to my boyfriend for a while” he smiled back.“Aww well aint that sweet” Adam mocked, making a silly face like that face that. I started kissing her, she did not move. I knew that she was in a state of shock. I started kissing her vigorously.Browse indiansexstories dot net for more arousing stories.After some time, she started responding to my kisses, we kissed for 15 mins. Then, she stops me by saying”This is not right” but the a****l in me did not stop. I started caressing her body touching her boobs, squeezing them.Then, she let out a moan, I took a step forward. I started removing her saree and was vigorously.
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