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As I learned in the days ahead, she had four children?three daughters anda son. It was a happy home, full of love and laughter. I wasn't surprisedto learn that Julie also had a very full life outside the home. She soldreal estate on a part-time basis, volunteered with a couple of women'sservice clubs, and was a member of a book group as well.I became a participant, though a passive one, in all of this. I quicklyrealized I must be her favorite blouse, as she seemed to wear me often?Iwould guess. I know this water. It’s brackish and silty, but it IS water, so, “Let’s swim.”Ben countered with, “Lemme start the generator and get the A/C going so the cabin’ll be cool when we get out.”I brought my favorite bathing suit, not quite a bikini, a neat two-piece thing. I dressed in the front cabin while he changed into his baggy board shorts in the master cabin. Maybe I should’ve pushed him to get a pair of speedos.The boat’s got a swim step across the stern just a bit above the water. A ladder. Fast forward about 10 or 12 years and I'm walking out of my office in DC when a very mature (she couldn't be younger than 55) thin blond lady walks out of her gym in a pair of jeans, sandals (I'm a foot man) and a yellow tube top with her nipples standing at attention. "I'd love to taste you," I said under my breath. Not exactly suave...especially as she actually heard me. So I kept walking. But I noticed she kind of grinned, so I slowed down at the next shop and pretended to look in the. Both girls were inside playing with my brother and sister. April was standoffish.“I’m not about to let you be a snob, April. You didn’t mind them holding you when you were a newborn,” I told her.“Da da da da,” she started babbling.“That is so cute. April thinks you are her daddy,” a girl I didn’t recognize said.I looked her over as I said, “Who said I’m not.”As she processed that through her head, April started trying her hardest to say, David. The best she managed to babble was “Da” “id.” She.
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