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Americans, tired of foreigners who didn’t respect American law, stopped hiring undocumented workers. The flow of money from America had turned into a trickle. The drug trade had come to a complete halt. Despite higher prices for oil, the Mexican treasury was getting pretty thread bare.In what had to be the greatest political blunder of all time, the President of Mexico decided to take advantage of the fact that American forces were busy in San Diego. He dispatched two hundred troops across the. “This day has just been a whirlwind, it’s all I can do to keep up.”“Of course!” Cindy replied over the phone. “I know you said you couldn’t tell me what was going on, but is Dave at least ok?”“Yes. I’m sorry I have to be so secretive, but it’s necessary. I’ll call you with an update as soon as I can.”“Ok, just be safe,” Cindy sighed.“I will.”The exact moment Maddie dropped her purse on the sofa, she felt her iPhone buzz with an alert. She gave a small sigh in annoyance as she picked her. She was the type of girl who loved to fuck and be fucked, but at the same time doesn’t do it with guys she doesn’t know. She had to be at least friends with the guys she fucked. That was why many guys who knocked on her door got rejected. She wasn’t ready to just fuck anyone. I was one of the lucky ones though. When I first met her, I had no idea that she would love sex this much. Being a second year student here, I was assigned by my faculty to take the freshmen for a tour. I met Sabrina,. She looked up from her breasts to find him watchingher. His eyes fixed on her caressing fingers. She sawthe blush sweep over him as he caught her glance. “I’m so sorry about that,” he gestured at her wetbosom.“Don’t be sorry. I loved watching it happen. It’s veryerotic you know.” “You mean?”“Yes,” she answered his unfinished question, “it’s abig turn on, watching you come like that, feeling theheat of you splash onto me.”She looked down at his cock; it was half-hard again.“Are you a tit man.
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