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As the dry stiff hard broom handle pushed into her sex. God it hurt! Rose pushed more and more slowly forcing the wooden handle to push deeper into Jenny’s sex. She was pretty sure this much hurt pretty bad but she felt herself oozing wetness in her own panties. Rose took her time and moved the other end of the broom up and down trying to help work the handle in more. “Pee,” she commanded angrily, “or I’ll push this as far inside you as I can. Jenny started to cry and that made Rose feel. But you must lick and swallow it.” Josh bent his head to her pussy and gingerly took a lick. It wasn’t bad. Tammy let out a soft moan. He took this as a good sign and continued to lick her. “You can even lick inside me,” she said, her voice growing husky with her desire. The more he licked her, the better her pussy began to taste. She was right. It did taste different. As he continued, Tammy moaned more and more. He knew he was doing something right. He had completely forgotten about trying. Catching her gorgeous daughter masturbating at the restaurant, the naked pics she received a few hours ago, to the explicit sexual fuck fest that just happened. Not even 24 hou...."Shiiiiittttttt! Wha whaaaa what, what are you doing honey??" Kari had pinned Sandy against the shower wall and pulled her hips back. Her hand was guiding the top of a strap on into her mother. Sandy was shocked. She looked through the glass shower wall and into the mirror. Her tits pressed hard against the the. She looked worn out due to the shifting of the luggage I offered to help her out & she gladly accepted. Later on, we also offered her tea at our place. During the conversation, she told us that her husband was out on a foreign visit (which is mostly the case) and she had to shift in his absence only due to some emergency. Her in-laws were staying separately & only the two of them were supposed to stay in this flat. From the first sight itself, I was attracted towards my new neighbor. Her name.
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