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We don't know how long it'll take to cover the initial infection process." Mattie got sick pretty quickly after her first transfusion, running a fever and feeling bad almost immediately, and was in serious condition about eight or ten hours later," David told her. "I'd assume it's going to be close to that for you." Based on that assumption, we'll transfer you to the trailer outside just after lunch," Monique continued. "We want to allow you to spend as much time as you can with everyone here,. I was raised a certain way and I know my parents would disapprove if they knew what we’d done. When I’m with you, all that goes away. But you can’t just pick and choose what you believe,” she said.“Why not?” I asked.“That’s just not the way it’s done.”“I think that your belief in God is a personal thing. While I agree with you on most things, I think some are outdated. I believe man, not God, dictates some things. Of course, I could just be interpreting things to suit me. You need to decide. I kissed her there a second time, holding the kiss, reflecting for a brief moment on the very intimacy of what I was doing with Linda, once again inhaling, and then kissing her once more. This time, I held the kiss, easing my tongue between her inner pussy lips, tasting her nectar, and tasting the flesh itself, and then tilting my head to the right, so I could blade my tongue, and probe further between them.Linda spread her thighs a little wider, and lifted her pelvis just slightly, to give me. Then I asked her, “Where do you keep the vacuum cleaner at?”“Well worry about that tomorrow,” Darla said. “All were really doing is getting an idea and just moving a couple things around.”“Okay,” I said. About a half an hour of deciding where to move stuff, we came to a decision. By now, it was going on 9 pm. Then she heard the timer go off on the washing machine, so she asked me to put the wet clothes into the dryer next to the washer. “Okay,” I said. Then I asked her, “Do I need to set.
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