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Just outside of the village there was a hill and I stopped the bike and suggested we have the picnic that I knew Jacqui had prepared. She rapidly agreed, and had soon got all her stuff laid out on a nice clean tablecloth. Jacqui was wearing her shorts again with a pale yellow blouse. My eager eyes could discern the outlines of a bra underneath. I was wearing just my shorts as usual.After eating, I lay back to watch the blue, cloudless sky, wondering if I dare bring up the topic of sex in any. I also unbuckled my pants. As the slide show continued, I was now rubbing my cock inside my pants. The next three pictures was more of her showing off her cute ass in that thong. I again paused the slide show and slipped my pants and underwear to my ankles and was slowly stroking my cock as I continued the slide show.The very next slide rewarded me with the money shot of Ashley standing there facing the camera completely nude showing her 16 year old pussy. And I might add, it was the prettiest. The public watch live broadcastings of the press meeting eager to hear about this new program. "Since you exhibitionists want to flaunt yourselves so badly, this new program will let you, but just know there is no saying no to anything you are asked to do. As for the non exhibitionists in the program, well I think you'll find yourself finally learning some manners."The press looked very confused "What do you mean Mr. President?" asked one baffled reporter."We've started a program called The. No problemo. Shit! Or rather not to shit, that is the unfortunate question. This isn’t going to happen – oh!“Lovely,” I heard Becky say, and I feel my knickers suddenly getting heavy as something wet and warm caresses my arse. Again I enjoyed that sense of wellbeing. It was like cumming but not. A weirdly emotional but satisfying release.Becky sat up, staring at my poop heavy knickers. So far, they were retaining my mess. I look round at her.“Like what you see?” I ask.She nodded her eyes fixed.
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