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Her tummy was still tight and flat and she held her exercise regiment and diet for that. Turning to the side, Stacey studied her bum and legs.Having had a nice apple-shaped bottom in her twenties, Stacey could see how the ravages of time had sucked in her ass cheeks, making her buttocks hard edged and angular. Her thighs still looked lean from the months of winter skiing and raising up on her tiptoes, Stacey could see her well shaped calves she had honed by wearing high heeled shoes most of her. Nana can I ask you a question?" asked Gem quietly."Sure honey, what do you want to know?" asked Brianna quietly back"What's a bald beaver? The men who dressed you and took your clothes said that you and Aunt Rayne had one and they laughed and made comments about how it looked on you both. What is that?" asked Gem curiously.Brianna suddenly felt herself growing red in the face. She had no idea how to answer that question."That is something that adults have honey. But for right now lets see what. Then two more things were added to my guilt list; I had not informed my employer about my absence, and the college kid who had promised to look after my cat was probably equally pissed. My cat would probably ignore me for weeks, now. She didn't seem to remember who rescued whom in the first place.For a moment I thought about leaving, just like that; but then I decided against it. After all, the girls - or women - didn't really do anything wrong. So, I picked up a piece of paper, wrote a short. She is incredibly sweet and the nicest person you could ever imagine. she's a short blonde and really athletic figure so she always had guys chasing her but she didn't go on dates that often. for a short while she was seeing this really tall guy from out of town. he must have been 6' 2" (almost a foot taller than her)i came home on a friday night to an empty apartment and headed off to bed. i heard my roommate come back home with the guy she had been seeing. i could hear them stumbling around,.
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