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Gunner’s hand was between her legs and had her dress pushed up, his fingers sliding in and out of her pussy. Zeke was on her other side, but he was turned slightly towards her, his hand groping her huge breasts through the tight black dress. Elliott looked down into each of the boys’ laps, where his mother’s hands were busy fisting each of their cocks.“I guess it’s a good thing I told her not to wear any panties,” Jamal said with a smile as he noticed what Elliott was looking at.Elliott. There were times when I would catch myself lying there awake, just hoping and waiting my ghostly lover would come back and give me another great fucking. And just when I was about to give up and succumb to the sleep that was beginning to set in, he would show up! I just loved the way he fucked me and it was better each time. This went on for a few months and almost became an obession in a way. But as the months passed by, he didn’t show up as often. And then finally he quit coming around at. Soon, Mina went for bath and Geeta came out.She came to Tina and asked her to remove a nightie from the cupboard. Geeta wore the nightie and combed her hair. Geeta said, “I am going out to help Bhabhi. You two get ready and come out.”Soon Mina came out, Tina went inside and asked me to come in to help her. She latched the door and started kissing me. We had a shower together and came out. She wore her nightie, which was very small, and I wore my clothes. Both of us came out of our room. ..he does...fuck...yeah." With each word Mark spoke, he shoved his dick hard into my mouth; as if to emphasize a point (the point being that you give good head)."Yeah, fuck that pricks mouth." Brad said and Mark did just that.(He's giving me too much cock) he pushed more into me, but he still wasn't all the way in my mouth (I can't take anymore, he's already going into my throat) and I knew I wasn't going to last long if I couldn't come up for air. I could actually feel the tip of his dick in.
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