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I need it in my body. I'm nothing but a silly stupid whore"His hips start bucking wildly and I can feel him swell so large inside me it feels like I'm going to burst. Instead he bursts, his cock thrusting with short quick stabs inside me. I pushed my ass back to meet him with each thrust. I feel his hot come splash inside me, burning me, and yet that too filling some emptiness I need to have filled. Eventually I feel him soften somewhat and his cock slides out of my ass. "Damn that was. “It’s all right getting your kit off in frontof a couple of guys,” I remarked, “but tomorrow nightthere will be about five hundred people in the club.”The next night Juan and I sat at the back of the clubwhile Susan went off to get changed. The managerexplained that the girl who got the loudest cheerswould win and introduced the first contestant. Thefirst two girls to take part were both English, andacted exactly as my barman friend described, totallylackluster. In no time, they were both naked, and Diana pushed Donna back on the couch so that she was sitting. Kneeling in front of her, she spread her legs and exposing the young woman's pussy to her lecherous gaze. She licked and kissed her way up the soft skin of her inner thighs up to the groin. Diana continued to run her tongue along each side of Donna's thighs, avoiding touching the tight and tiny pussy lips.Donna writhed and squirmed, trying to get the roving mouth to come into contact with her. He thrusts His hips, i relax and let him have whatever he wants.He smiles down at me as he slides his cock out of my mouth slowly as my cheeks hollow around his thickness and the wet sliding gasping sounds fill the still room. I feel nothing other than His cock sliding over my lips and touching the back of my throat His hands are on my head guiding me over him. I am entirely His. His tool, His pleasure object, He uses me to get himself off. I curl my lips over my teeth and let Him use me. I.
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