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I checked it and all of the wards around the house and my property before we got in and set out. They were all at 100%.Traffic was awful at this time of the morning, but we dealt with it. When I was growing up, there was little traffic in the town near where I lived, but today there is traffic all day everyday going in both directions. It gets worse the closer to Atlanta that you get. The deliveries required a bit over five hours, most of it travel time, but some was spent waiting for customers. Bunch of bullshit..." a voice mutters as the blue orb pulses.The pulsing pink orb makes a throat clearing sound and adds, "Erm.. well, it also states that after informing you, we must relocate you to the closest adjacent dimension to continue your existence." So... Everything I know is gone?" The complete destruction of everything you've ever known doesn't seem to concern you as much as you thought it would, but at the moment, your mind feels a bit too foggy to wrap your mind around the. Am I on the wrong script?" You worried me," Tess explained. "You were too cheerful. I know something about men who hold everything inside. They eventually fall apart. Now I understand."I didn't."FRAGO," Mary Popov announced. "There's something we want you to investigate. A shuttle is being prepped for you." Take Dawn and her kitty," Tess said. "What is it with you and animals? I thought that the dogs were going to tear that cat apart, but you said something and the dogs and that jaguar are now. " I pulled my length nearly all the way out of her and then slammed it hard back into her, thrusting deep into her tight pussy."Oh yessss!" She looked back over her shoulder at me, her long loose hair swinging back and forth, her speech punctuated by each thrust as I started building a tempo. "Fuck! Me! Hard!" Oh fuck, you are so tight, Ashley." I moved my hands from her hips; one to her breasts, cupping one firm mound, playing the nipple between thumb and forefinger; the other to her long.
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