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Ask one of the Security team members to arrange it for you.”“I’ll do that. Thanks.”“Maeve, this is Egan. The reaction of the passengers on Golden Knight was very positive. I’ll pass on the other tidbits I’ve just heard. A quick question. Carine is anxious to see your children again. How can I set that up?”“In part you already have. I now have a fresh telepathic link to you, so when we see the children later I’ll have them contact you and you can bring Carine into it. There are other ways to do. I’ve heard so much about you”“All good I hope?” She enquired. Of course, she knew the answer. She made no secret of her desires, and her reputation across the town was now so embedded in local folklore that she was regularly the sole topic of conversation around the table of well-heeled dinner parties and pub beer gardens alike.“Yes! Very good!”John regretted his display of enthusiasm immediately. His daughter was sat directly behind him, which was difficult enough given his growing infatuation. I whisper "its ok, I won't tell her anything." We paused for another moment. She kisses me again with her open mouth and tongue, but stops herself "wait, no, we shouldn't be doing this" I respond without moving away, "no we probably shouldn't," but she does it again and I reciprocate, yet again she pauses and says "no Dad we should stop," I reluctantly respond with "yes," we repeat the same type of worthless suggestions & responses between kisses a few more times as my hands start to wander. If we can't have children, there's no way any species could continue." That'll be my next message. Many people's response to tragedy is to create new life to counter all they've lost. I'll emphasize there's a time and place for that. We need to reach as many people as we can. Reproducing this soon will limit our responses and expose mothers and children to unnecessary risks. We can't risk anyone giving birth until we can get more medical expertise. However, if I take a carrot and stick.
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