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”I looked eagerly at my watch. The plane was due to arrive at 6:00. I had been there since 5:00, just in case, and now it was looking like I would be waiting another hour. I could have gotten up to get some food or something, but the thoughts in my head prevented me from standing.I was waiting for my girlfriend, Jenny. A beautiful girl to say the least, and although she was surprisingly modest about that, after six months together, the time had not slowed things down between us. We knew each. With two fingers inserted inside of my drenched love-hole, and her other hand squeezing and pushing my ass towards her face, she licked and slopped and sucked away noisily. Next, she took her fingers out and stuck her tongue inside of me giving my love-hole a good tongue-fuck. I squealed loudly, never once wondering where the hell my man was. “Does that feel good?” She asked. “Mmm-hmm” I said biting my bottom lip. “You want me to go back to eating that succulent pussy of yours, hmm?”“Mmm-hmm” I. The seating almost gave one the feeling of a mini arena, to watch the action taking place in the middle. As luck would have it a foursome currently inhabited this space.A small Mexican guy was on his back being fucked by a man who had the small guy’s legs over his shoulders. At the small guy’s head, two men were vying for his mouth. The scene was very hot and I decided to take a seat on the opposite side of the room, to get a proper bird’s eye view.Shortly after, the steam room door opened and. She’d had such a wonderful day off.As planned, she’d gone home to nap. The young chef had been so full of nervous energy, however, that she couldn’t even get a wink of sleep - instead, she’d resorted to laying on her bed, trembling with excitement.Matilda.She was going to get to spend the night with Matilda.Carlotta didn’t doze, not even for a moment. Instead, she lay in bed, thinking of the young waitress, wishing she knew more about her. When did she start working for the cafe? How long had.
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