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We again, met him in the bar for a drink, S and J sat next to each other and he soon had his arm around her as she relaxed.After a nice glass of wine and a chat we all headed up to the hotel room where J started to undress S slowly and as he did so, he kept kissing her neck and touching her all over – she was really enjoying it, letting herself relax and they looked much more like lovers than client and masseur to me!J was standing behind S as they faced me while I took a video of them. He. ‘Bugger I’ve done it again!’ he cried as he realised that he was naked in front of the two grinning women and moved towards the bedroom to find some clothing. ‘Don’t bother young man!’ said Marlena sharply. ‘You will only need to take them off again for me to finish this.’ She held up the covered canvas that she had placed against the table as she had watched the man preparing dinner. ‘Ok but give me a few minutes to make sure I have this right,’ he indicated the dish spinning in the microwave. All this has caused me to become so aroused that I’m at the edge. She senses it too and with a sexy yet innocent little look lowers her mouth around my hard shaft. The warmth and wetness of her mouth envelopes my hard cock. Her tongue traces the bumps, ridges and veins of my engorged shaft. With that she breaks the last barrier as I tense and tried to hold back but I couldn’t. I begin to feel a warm sensation come over me and I feel that all too familiar welling rising in my balls. She. I open my mouth and he doesn't hesitate again and trusts forward holding my head steady. I gag but let him using both hands around his shaft to try to control how deep he goes. My ex is back, holding a bottle of massage oil. I knew you were a horny bastard my dear but this I hadn't expected. Move him on his back she tells the Maasai . He lifts me up and turns me around in no time. I feel oil dripping down my butt crack. I try to protest but don't get a chance. I feel his massive dickhead press.
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