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I couldn’t take it anymore; I was choking so I had to push up. Hard.I gasped deeply. I opened my mouth and throat as much as I could to catch some air. I looked up in fear that he was upset for my reaction. To my surprise, he was looking back at me with devilish grin. I felt my faces all covered tears, run-off water from his bath, sweat, and a mix of saliva and the pre-cum he had already injected in my mouth. Upon seeing he wasn’t mad, I made my best to generate as smile.“Good boy” he. ’”“No kidding,” Glenda said. “I have to say I was really surprised to find out you had gay friends and you were totally supportive of Clarissa.”“I happen to be the biggest sinner on the planet, bar none. I’m in no position to criticize.”“Do you think being gay or lesbian is a sin?”“Not any more than being straight is a sin. Attraction isn’t a sin. Sex outside the bounds of marriage is a sin. I’m not a virgin. That makes me a sinner in that regard. I’m in NO position to throw stones. And, in the. "You're fucking torturing me..." I muttered under my breathe.Cameron stuck her head out the bathroom door momentarily and called out to me. "Did you say something?" Nothing," I responded. "Just that I'm going to the living room to watch TV while you get ready." I started to leave the room, and as I walked down the hall, I couldn't shake the images of her out of my mind. In addition to my shower fantasy, I saw myself sliding her robe up, and bending her over the counter to fuck. My hand found my. They girls all just lay resting where they had been released, wondering what would happen next.Then Tayna noticed another group of three women with tanned, or filthy, skin slowly approaching them. They wore soiled and tattered clothes clearly splattered with dried blood and the nearest carried a large stone in one fist. Tayna didn't like the way they stared intently at the new arrivals. "Feeding time girls!" called out one of the guards with a grin. Horrified the six new arrivals dragged.
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