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I hope Jerome is coming back in. He is such a stud and always has something funny to say. He is going to med school or something. I’m so glad that I put my yoga pants over the warm underwear and got my new Ugg boots. I want to look good for him. My butt is my best asset. Wednesday night is always slow. The Serotonin Chaser was five minutes away. The door hit the bells for a loud ring. The wood boards on the floor were uneven. I’d never wear high heels here. Seven coats were hanging at the. His voice sounded somewhat muffled to Charmaine, but again, the difference was subtle, and it was dismissed."I know!" Charmaine said, to his relief. Lucky guess! He kissed those pussy lips once more before standing up. Liz curled her toes over the edge of the table, opening herself up for him as wide as possible. Her pussy was burning with need, lust, and desire. She grabbed his hard organ and he watched her place the mushroom head against her pink lips. Charmaine was talking, he was not sure. It's not real life! Don't force it on anyone! Now grab a phone and call for help, or grab some lube and start reading with one hand. Don't get the two confused.***Dinner and DiscoveriesIt was nearly 8PM when Bandana and I got home. Our house is on a steep corner in an old neighbourhood, which meant the lots were strangely arranged. We had a steep, short front yard—28 steps from the sidewalk to the front door—but our neighbours had a large, flat front yard only ten steps up from the street.. Insolence by Guerlain. As sickeningly sweet as it was, I yearned for it when it was not there. She wrenched me away from what I was doing. Forgotten, my textbook fell to the desk. She forced me to look into her hazel eyes. “You were supposed to meet me ten minutes ago.” Even the way she snarled was alluring, her piercing eyes slanted in disapproval. I watched her hair neatly curve downwards, admiring the way it naturally shined a soft brown in the well-lit study room. “Listen to me!” She stood.
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